Blowing Your Nose Could Be Worsening Your Cold Symptoms Here’s Why?
When battling a cold, many of us instinctively blow our noses to clear out mucus and breathe easier. But is blowing your nose too hard the best solution? Here’s what you need to know about clearing your nasal passages without making things worse.
The Role of Mucus in Your Body
Your body produces 1 to 2 liters of mucus each day, which thickens when you’re sick to trap viruses and bacteria. While it’s tempting to clear this out by blowing your nose, it’s important to do so correctly to avoid worsening your symptoms.

The Dangers of Blowing Your Nose Too Hard
Blowing your nose too forcefully can actually create more problems. According to Dr. Sapnil Brajpuriya, Senior Consultant and Head of ENT at the Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, blowing too hard can push mucus and germs deeper into your sinuses or middle ear, causing potential infections like sinusitis, earaches, or even a ruptured eardrum.
Dr. Vibhu Kawatra, a pulmonologist and allergy specialist, adds that blowing both nostrils at once can increase sinus pressure and discomfort. So, what’s the best way to blow your nose safely?

How to Blow Your Nose Safely
Experts recommend a gentler approach:
- Close one nostril by gently pressing it with your finger.
- Blow gently through the open nostril.
- If your nose is very congested, use a saline spray or steam to loosen mucus first.
It’s also helpful to use soft, moisturized tissues, preferably with soothing ingredients like aloe or menthol, to prevent irritation.
Trust Your Body’s Natural Defenses
Mucus plays a critical role in defending your body from germs. While blowing your nose is sometimes necessary, using gentle techniques will help support your body’s natural defense system and prevent further complications. So, next time you’re sick, remember: sometimes, less is more!